
LeAnne did an Akashic Record for me and it was such a beautiful, and incredible experience. Going in I honestly had no idea what to expect and was a little nervous, but mostly curious and excited! LeAnne is such a kind and calming person, and as soon as we started talking all my nerves were gone, and I immediately felt peaceful and loved! LeAnne walked me through a beautiful journey into my Akashic Records and what they had to share with me was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. The records were filled with love and encouragement, and they shared things with me through LeAnne that were so relevant to me specifically and where I am at In the present moment. After our conversation I felt so inspired, and have since carried what I learned with me in my daily life! LeAnne was so encouraging and I was so thankful to have her walking me through the emotions that came with our reading! The entire experience was so amazing and I would recommend a reading with LeAnne to EVERYONE wanting one! She made my reading experience one I will never forget and I look forward to MANY more readings with LeAnne! If you are curious in learning more about the Akashic records and hearing what yours have to share with you, I highly recommend LeAnne!
~Mady Maragliano
I’ve had the pleasure of being connected with this lovely lady from Instagram and the silver sister community. When she started talking about the Akashic records, I was completely intrigued. I quickly scheduled a reading with her by phone. I was nervous, not really knowing what to expect. Would there be information, secrets or future foreshadowing that I didn’t want to know about? LeAnne assured me, as she will you, that there is nothing bad, nothing to fear, just love and kindness and blissfulness. And that’s exactly what happened. After my reading I felt excited, floating on a cloud really. The reading left me with excitement about my life, my world around me and that I really do matter. Thank you LeAnne!!
I had an Akashic reading with LeAnne about two weeks ago and the message has been the gift that keeps on giving, or rather like an artichoke heart where petals of truth avail deeper petals of truth and so on toward the heart. I am on a spiritual journey and have been a little lost and without faith. LeAnne's reading helped me find the right direction and ever since then there has been revelation after revelation and my confidence has been not only restored, but boosted. I am super grateful to LeAnne, her wisdom, and abilities
~Stevie Lynn Weisend
LeAnne has walked with me through some of the very hardest times of my life. She has an incredible capacity for empathy. She is easy to talk to and I always feel that she has truly heard me. LeAnne is practical and thoughtful and truly helps me get to the root of the issue. I would recommend LeAnne to anyone looking for a safe and caring person to help them heal.
LeAnne comes from not only a place of compassion, but of experience as well, she helps people on such a fundamental level. Feeling heard and understood is SO important in healing!!! LeAnne creates such a safe space just to be. And when you feel safe the exploring, and learning happens ♥️♥️
LeAnne listens and cares on a different level! The space shared with her is filled with a sense safety, trust and connection. To be held in your most vulnerable moment, to feel seen, heard and valued and to be known for who you really are are some of the emotional needs we all have in order to thrive, but sadly not everyone gets to experience them! LeAnne offers that. With her you feel less alone, you feel understood, accepted and connected! Her wisdom, judgment free advice and understanding of the human experience gives you the opportunity to explore and love yourself in ways that will allow you to grow and evolve. I absolutely recommend getting in touch with her!
LeAnne has a wonderful capacity to listen, not only with her ears but with her heart. She has a sensitivity and understanding that is so valuable. It creates a safe place for clients to both unburden themselves and to heal. LeAnne's many years of mentoring, dedication to her own healing and her skills with many highly effective methods make her an ideal choice if you are struggling with (her speciality subjects.) She will be a compassionate guide and a genuinely supportive facilitator for your transformative experience. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to you.
~Cathryn Deyn~
LeAnne has so many great qualities, I could easily write a few paragraphs. In summary- LeAnne listens. Actually listens. She validates when needed, affirms when affirmation is due, and redirects or asks questions when it might be hard to get out of a loop. When given permission, she has relevant and caring insights to offer. LeAnnes life has offered her plenty of opportunities to grow, and she has modelled how to embrace the good and the hard, and come out stronger, with an even greater capacity for joy and possibilities. Her ability to bring humour and laugh freely with you is a gift, and time spent with LeAnne is life-giving. She’s contributed to my journey in important and healing ways, and I highly recommend working with her.
~Marijka N~
There is a lot to say about LeAnne. She has helped me simply by listening to me with curiosity, something that very few people know how to do. She knows how to ask the right questions without making you feel the need to respond quickly by giving you the space you need. When I mean curious listening, it's like when you read a story to a child and you get her full attention. She makes me feel exactly like that!! She gives me security and confidence to be able to express myself without fear of being judged. She is amazing! ~Claudia~
I have known LeAnne Bowden for over 12 years now. She is loyal, trustworthy, intuitive, and caring. LeAnne encourages seeing the best in yourself and is a genuine listener and truth teller. She listens to what is going on in your heart and soul, and is steadfast in her belief that choosing positive words creates an atmosphere for inner health and beauty to grow. I have learned a lot about inner healing, inner strength, and where true beauty comes from, just to name a few. I trust LeAnne with my entire being and am truly lucky to know her.
~Shelly W
LeAnne and I have been friends for almost 30 years. We met as young mothers taking our children to kindergarten class and have been steadfast friends ever since. We have seen each other go through the usual and not so usual battles of life and I can honestly say she has done it much more gracefully than I have. She brings so much to the table…. She has always been so supportive! Her kindness, honesty and generosity are unwavering and her understanding and true caring is astounding. She has the gift of listening, and I mean really listening, without judgement, one of her most endearing qualities, and it wraps up with a witty sense of humour. She is a true friend and although over the years we come and go through each other lives like waves, we always pick up where we left off like we were never apart.
Now, many years later she still has so much to share, and her life experiences have made her even more gentle and thoughtful. I always enjoy whatever time we have together, laughing, listening and sharing. Her friendship is complete joy!