LeAnne Bowden https://leannebowden.com Akashic Record Reading Fri, 28 Oct 2022 19:10:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 I Deconstructed from Diet Cult(ure) https://leannebowden.com/i-deconstructed-from-diet-culture/ https://leannebowden.com/i-deconstructed-from-diet-culture/#respond Fri, 28 Oct 2022 19:10:08 +0000 https://leannebowden.com/?p=1755 I Deconstructed from Diet Cult(ure) Read More »

Diet Cult(ure) had me literally beating the shit out of myself.

The frustration of nothing ever working long term. 

The heaviness of never being thin enough.

The defeat of numbers going down then up.

The  dysmorphia of your reflection changing in every mirror or window.

The confusion of good food/bad food changing at a head spinning rate….

I finally gave up. The madness got to be to much and the years of crying out for help ended when I stopped and learned to just be present….I finally started healing.

I learned how to make peace with food. To not believe the mirror. The scale got tossed. I took self care seriously, deeply, intimately and embraced the help I needed. Learning not only to help myself, but others.

My defeat and disillusionment turned to hope, freedom…then anger and heartache when I realized I am not alone. I know this story is not just mine. The battle within is real but it cannot be won with outside sources. It’s not about the food, it’s not about the scale, it’s not about how much you exercise..it is about learning to extinguish the lies, to heal from the chaotic rules Diet Cult(ure) continues to throw at us. It is about finding a safe place within, trusting ourselves and listening to the still small voice that is ours alone, speaking love, acceptance, freedom and a full life.

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Ups & Downs Are Normal https://leannebowden.com/ups-downs-are-normal/ https://leannebowden.com/ups-downs-are-normal/#respond Mon, 17 Oct 2022 20:51:02 +0000 https://leannebowden.com/?p=1604 Ups & Downs Are Normal Read More »

We often need the reminder that weight and size can fluctuated throughout the day, week, month and even year (s).

Feelings and emotions can take us on a wild ride if we agree to it.

It happens to all of us. Especially when weight, body image/dysmorphia and food phobias have plagued us for years ( or decades). 

Today was my day. I didn’t sleep well last nite, which does not help! 

But I am thankful for the reminder that this happens cuz I want to remain connected to areas I know I needed help with so I can be there to help you. 

Ups and downs are normal and to be expected. How we address them  can be absolutely transformational. 

Our minds and hearts hold amazing power to eliminate our triggers, fears, and limited beliefs and find freedom, wholeness and sincere self love and acceptance.

We all deserve to live life fully and free from the devastating effects of Diet Cult(ure). 

Feel free to message me for any questions or inquiries. I appreciate hearing feedback and all your comments! 

#weightinclusive #dietfree #dietrecovery #dietsdonotwork #dietcult #foodfreedom #recoveryispossible #edrecovery #anarecovery #selfconfidence #freefromguilt #guiltfree #foodisnotevil #bodypositive #foryou

#takecareofyou #youdeservethebest #youdeservebetter

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Protect Your Process https://leannebowden.com/protect-your-process/ https://leannebowden.com/protect-your-process/#respond Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:33:14 +0000 https://leannebowden.com/?p=1559 Protect Your Process Read More »

When you are in the midst of learning to love yourself, free yourself of food addictions, or self shame; it is not only OK, but necessary to turn off the outside voices and influences that are not supporting your new narrative.





Any and all accounts on social media that cause any disrupt to your mental wellbeing or intentional healing.

It is FOR you, Not AGAINST them.

Setting boundaries with friends and family is another area you most certainly need to address when on your healing, unlearning, relearning and deconstruction journey.

I will talk more about that in another post, but for now, go through your social media feed and honestly cut out all that cause any kind of negative responses in you. You deserve this! 

If you have any questions, please reach out to me in my dms, I check regularly.

#weightinclusive #dietfree #dietrecovery #dietsdonotwork #dietcult #foodfreedom #recoveryispossible #edrecovery #anarecovery #selfconfidence #freefromguilt #guiltfree #foodisnotevil #bodypositive #foryou

#takecareofyou #youdeservethebest #youdeservebetter

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It’s NOT About The Food https://leannebowden.com/its-not-about-the-food/ https://leannebowden.com/its-not-about-the-food/#respond Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:29:23 +0000 https://leannebowden.com/?p=1557 It’s NOT About The Food Read More »

It’s NOT about the food.

You read this and heard this before,  but somewhere inside, you don’t believe it, or are completely stuck  as to how it can’t be about the food….or exercise.

A lifetime of controlling eating, calories, good/bad foods and energy output has been the “go to”, but it never lasts and requires more and more effort. Will power is exhausted and has left us feeling defeated and/or hopeless.

Real change and freedom is not alone about Mindset; it’s deeper and more profound, it’s a Heartset.

Addressing our limiting beliefs, underlying emotions (fear, anger, shame, grief etc) and elimating them (forever & completely) we can and will experience the freedom life flow we are so desperately longing for.

It is not as far fetched, difficult or  impossible as you might think. 

There is freedom from Diet Cult(ure). 

I have Deconstructed, so can you. 


#deconstructfromdietculture #freedomfromdiets #dietsdonotwork #dietindustrylies

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Diet Cult(ure) Deconstruction https://leannebowden.com/diet-culture-deconstruction/ https://leannebowden.com/diet-culture-deconstruction/#respond Wed, 12 Oct 2022 18:24:11 +0000 https://leannebowden.com/?p=1551 Diet Cult(ure) Deconstruction Read More »

What this IS:

-Freedom from the diet hamster wheel.

-A safe place to learn how to trust yourself again

-Information to explore and contemplate

-Ways to help you heal and find hope.

-For anyone who has believed the lies and wants to experience real freedom

What this is NOT:

-Diet information

-Fitness programs

-Shaming or Shoulding

-Fear or manipulation

Also on this page I will be sharing my personal 43+year struggle/fight/trauma in the Diet Cult(ure).

Not only Surviving and Deconstructing from Diet Cult(ure) but thriving;  finding complete freedom, hope, learning self trust and self love. 

If any of this resonates with you and gives you even a slight twinkle of hope within….then you are absolutely in the right place! 

I am so glad you are here! 

I am here to help, bring hope and healing! 

Please follow along and  if you are curious for more.

#dietcult #deconstructionfromdietcult #healing #dietsdonotwork #dietindustrylies

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