
LeAnne has been a Light Worker as a spiritual reader, and intuitive & channeler for well over 30 years.
Akashic Records and personal channeled messages bring her the greatest Joy.
Being a channel for messages of love, encouragement, direction, wisdom, insight, and hope; all very specific and personal to each individual she reads for has been the heart of her lifelong passion to see everyone experience a full life, freedom and joy!

"I look forward to connecting with you and sharing what your Records have to say regarding whatever is in your highest good today"

Connect to Your Highest Good

Akashic Record Readings

The Akashic Records are thought of as “an energetic library of information that contains the details of your soul and its journey,” says Rauschenberg. “They span through past lives, present incarnations, and future possibilities.”

To clarify, the records do not have a physical manifestation; they exist in an energetic realm that has to be experienced by each individual with a reader or on their own. 


It is my absolute Joy to connect to Source and share the words of encouragement, support, guidance, and wisdom specifically for you.

I find it an absolute honor and privilege, every time I open someone’s records and share the information I receive.  I know it is connected to their highest good and the highest good of those they love.


” I was a little nervous and didn’t know what to expect from my first  Akashic Record Reading. But I was so pleasantly surprised! It was so easy and gave me the answers I was looking for. I admit, I was a little shocked at how things I had been saying just the day before were brought up. LeAnne put me at ease right away and I was able to relax and take in everything she shared with me. “

To tap into your Akashic Records is to tap into specific advice, insight, and guidance, especially for you. 

Akashic Readings: $75 / Reading
Channeled, Personal, Written Message: $35


To Contact Me, To Book an Appointment, or For More Information: