Light Life Love

Thank You so much for being here.


I know, with every ounce of my being that Source has something very specific and loving to say to you. 


I am so honored to share those words of guidance and encouragement with you.

Over the years I have spent many, many hours sharing encouragement, hope, light and insight. My greatest joy it so help people find hope, freedom and peace in their lives. 

There is something deeply and profoundly life changing to tap into our Records and hear wisdom specifically for you. 

They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Often we need personal direction and input to help shift our path or perspective to find the results and assurance we are looking for. 

 Akashic Record Readings are an insightful way to find some direction to questions you may have in your present experience in life. 

Answers to questions about your life path, love & purpose. Direction for the next best step for your highest good regarding your health or mental well-being.  What is in your highest good when it comes to focus, attention and energy? And yes, even where did those keys go!? 

 Know This:

Your Akashic Records are safe, loving guidance where you will never feel judged, shamed or fearful. You have nothing to fear, there is only love with your highest good in mind. 


** Stay Tuned**

I will be offering Reiki sessions within the next month or so!